Thank you for your interest in Outlook Business Solutions. Due to resourcing constraints we have made the difficult decision to forego additional client work at this time. We sincerely appreciate the customers we’ve been able to help and for their commitment to inclusivity. We hope to be of service again in the near future. If you are interested in learning more about Outlook Business Solutions sister companies and how they serve individuals who are blind, please contact for more information.

Outlook Business Solutions

When your marketing team is out of bandwidth, Outlook Business Solutions can add capacity.

Our teams collaborate with you to deliver marketing that grows your business.

About Us

Outlook Business Solutions works with businesses to remove obstacles to their growth. We’re part marketing agency, part business consultancy and part digital accessibility support desk. What we’re all about is creating earning opportunities for knowledge-based professionals who happen to be visually impaired. When you use Outlook Business Solutions, your project team will likely include a person living with vision loss. Some are full-time staff, some are freelancing and some operate their own independent businesses. All come together under Outlook Business Solutions to see your business succeed.

We are one of four subsidiaries supported by Outlook Collaborative, a multifaceted social enterprise with a mission to positively impact everyone who is blind or visually impaired.

Positively impact your community when you do business with Outlook

Outlook is a social enterprise: an organization that addresses a basic unmet need or solves a social or environmental problem through a market-driven approach. This promising approach fosters genuinely “triple-bottom-line” organizations – those simultaneously seeking profits, social impact, and environmental sustainability. Social enterprise can be a powerful complement to traditional non-profit activities by advancing the social mission and the financial sustainability of the organization. (1)

(1) Social Enterprise Alliance,

Outlook focuses on opportunity employment, creating jobs for people who have significant barriers to mainstream employment. We specifically address the barrier of vision impairment. Our employment opportunities for those with vision loss range from manufacturing to customer service, accounting, marketing, human resources, training and information technology. Our experience shows that almost any work environment can be adapted to accommodate employees with visual impairment.

About 15,000 Omaha area residents live with severe vision loss. According to national statistics, 70% of visually impaired adults are unemployed and 30% live in poverty. Outlook Business Solutions provides direct employment to blind and legally blind individuals. Through our sister organization, Outlook Nebraska, we also provide the visually impaired population with technology training as well as recreational, social and cultural activities to help them lead fulfilling lives.

By outsourcing customer care and marketing projects to Outlook Business Solutions, you help lower unemployment rates among the blind and visually impaired in the Omaha area. This increases the quality of life for our neighbors with vision loss and decreases their dependence on government assistance.

Meet Rachel!

Meet Rachel Carver, Outlook public relations specialist and the nation’s first blind recipient of the public relations accreditation.

Meet Rachel