
Thank you for your interest in Outlook Business Solutions. Due to resourcing constraints we have made the difficult decision to forego additional client work at this time. We sincerely appreciate the customers we’ve been able to help and for their commitment to inclusivity. We hope to be of service again in the near future. If you are interested in learning more about Outlook Business Solutions sister companies and how they serve individuals who are blind, please contact info@outlooken.org for more information.

About Us

Outlook Business Solutions provides marketing and other services to businesses. Our mission is to create an inclusive and integrated environment populated with talented professionals with consideration and accommodations for those who are blind or low vision. About half of our team members live with vision loss.

Our Roots

Our sister company, Outlook Nebraska, was founded in 2000 to make paper towel and toilet tissue products under the federal AbilityOne program, which creates employment and training opportunities for people who are blind or who have other severe disabilities. The National Industries for the Blind (NIB) helps state and private nonprofit agencies participate in the AbilityOne program. In 2018, NIB programs employed more than 5,400 Americans with visual disabilities. Outlook Nebraska employs more than 60 visually impaired individuals at its Omaha production facility, make it the largest employer of the blind in the region. Our employment opportunities for those with vision loss range from customer service and marketing to accounting, human resources, training, information technology and manufacturing. Our experience shows that almost any work environment can be adapted to accommodate employees with visual impairment.

Beyond Toilet Paper

In 2018, Outlook launched Outlook Business Solutions to expand and diversify employment opportunities for blind and low-vision individuals beyond manufacturing. Currently, Outlook Business Solutions includes our marketing support services team.

Outlook Business Solutions marketing support services team comprises full-time associates of Outlook Nebraska along with talented freelance professionals in the areas of copywriting, graphic design, project management and branding. Preference is given to skilled marketing professionals who are blind or visually impaired. As we grow, we will add more full-time positions with preference again going to those living with vision loss. Marketing services we cannot offer in house or through individual freelancers can, with your agreement, be contracted out to local companies who strongly support our mission of helping businesses succeed by using the untapped talents of visually impaired professionals.

Working with Vision Loss

One in four of us will experience severe vision loss. Many of us would equate visual impairment with loss of our livelihood, professional purpose and hobbies. Outlook Business Solutions and Outlook Nebraska dispel that myth, offering employment as well as training on adaptive aids and technology to help those with visual loss continue in their chosen field or adapt their skills to a new career path. In addition, Outlook Enrichment provides recreational and cultural experiences specifically for the visually impaired, creating an inclusive, supportive community.

By outsourcing your marketing needs to Outlook Business Solutions, you receive high quality, professional services that can help your business attract, retain and grow your customer relationships. You also indirectly employ the blind and visually impaired, reducing the high unemployment rate (70%) within this population. And you help more people with these disabilities become self-confident, independent and self-sustaining as their reliance on government assistance programs is reduced or even eliminated completely.

We see your success!

Become part of the social enterprise movement. Contact Outlook Business Solutions to discuss your marketing needs.