With the radically changing job market people now work more than one job at a time. This often includes temporary jobs, part-time jobs with no benefits and sub-contract work. Some people work nights and weekends or from home. These individuals usually list several short-term jobs on their resume. This is the world of the portfolio career.
The blind and visually impaired jobseeker must look at a portfolio career to stay relevant in this ever-changing workforce. This type of career focuses on having specialized skills rather than permanent long-term employment with one employer until retirement. This approach provides more flexibility and control over your career and allows you to cultivate several of your skills and talents into employment.
For example, you might be a captivating public speaker, a social media expert or have excellent customer service skills. You can use these talents and develop into a motivational speaker, a social media contract employee or a customer service agent. An added bonus is you get the luxury of working from home. If this sounds appealing to you, keep these things in mind while pursuing this innovative career path.
Consider first your passion. Since a portfolio career is not a traditional type of employment, you want to do what you love. Do you enjoy cooking and creating special dishes? Are you good with your computer using adaptive technology and other software programs? All of these specialized skills can lead to a portfolio career. Share your joy of food by teaching a cooking class, writing a cookbook or becoming an influencer in the industry through a foodie blog.
Next, you must have a certain business sense and think with business in mind. A portfolio career is categorized as self-employment. If you are working as a freelancer or sub-contractor, you are not a permanent employee at a company. You will have to learn how to maintain multiple contract assignments and conduct yourself in a professional manner.
Freelancers and sub-contractors complete administrative tasks, such as e-mail correspondence, reviewing contracts, invoicing your clients/customers and tracking expenses. The bottom line is, you are your own boss so you will have to find ways to stay motivated and organized.
Learning how to market your specialized skills is critical. Be confident when talking about yourself and what talents you bring to the table. Market yourself with personal business cards and your LinkedIn profile, which can easily bring you some business and possible assignments.
Attend professional networking functions and join professional associations in your career field. Network to meet people and share with them what you have to offer. These relationships sometimes lead to future work, assignments and contracts.
Keep up with the trends and current events in your industry. Listen to podcasts, read blogs or review websites to stay current. Attend workshops, seminars and classes in your specific skill set. This will provide an opportunity to learn and do more marketing and networking.
However, pursuing a portfolio career is not for everyone. Do your homework and make time for self-reflection. People who flourish in portfolio careers are self-starters, excellent time managers, independent, risk-takers, love to learn, are assertive and can multitask. If these character traits speak to you, Outlook Business Solutions can help you launch your portfolio career.