
Thank you for your interest in Outlook Business Solutions. Due to resourcing constraints we have made the difficult decision to forego additional client work at this time. We sincerely appreciate the customers we’ve been able to help and for their commitment to inclusivity. We hope to be of service again in the near future. If you are interested in learning more about Outlook Business Solutions sister companies and how they serve individuals who are blind, please contact info@outlooken.org for more information.

The Capabilities Of The Visually Impaired In The Workforce

Rachel joins Jeff Thompson in the Blind Abilities studio to talk about National Disability Employment Awareness Month and the capabilities of the visually impaired in the workforce.

Transitioning From High School To College To The Workforce

Rachel Carver was born blind and has used alternative techniques and assistive technology from the get-go. It was not always a smooth ride and Rachel is here to talk about how she succeeded and lets us know what she would have done differently knowing what she knows now.