Repurpose Your Content With These Tips

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Repurpose Your Content With These Tips

Repurposing content is a way to turn one form of content into another. Updating and repurposing older pieces of content will bring them to the forefront of your online platforms. Copywriting importance continues to grow, and finding new ways to recycle old content will help you reach a wider audience. Use the following tips to help you repurpose your content and increase the awareness of your brand.

Turn your webinars into tutorial videos and other forms of content.

Webinars are usually scheduled events that run for 60 minutes up to two hours. These events are scheduled, and the recordings are posted on the facilitator’s website for a certain length of time.

However, this doesn’t have to be the end of your content. Turn your webinar into a video tutorial, or break it down into short video segments to post on your YouTube channel. Put a link to your company’s website in the description to increase brand awareness and broaden your target market. Strip the audio from your webinar and create a podcast episode on your chosen topic. If you decide not to use the webinar itself as a podcast episode, create a podcast on the webinar topic and link back to the webinar slides on your YouTube channel. Create social media posts that link back to your content.

Turn old blog posts into how to guide.

Copywriting importance is still growing, and your older blog posts may need to be updated. You can update old blog posts and repurpose them in a couple of ways, E.G., group them according to topic, and turn them into a how-to guide. You can send this guide to your email list subscribers, or publish them online as informative eBooks.

Turn your written content into podcast episodes.

If you’ve started a podcast to talk about your brand, you can turn your older blog posts and articles into podcast episodes in two ways.

As a podcast host, you can read and record your written web content as solo episodes, or hire a voice over artist to read your content for you. However, if you don’t like to stick strictly to a script, you can use bullet points from your posts to create an episode outline.

Turn lengthy interviews into short instructional videos and expert eBooks.

Repurpose interviews by Breaking them into short, informative videos. Turn the transcribed version of these shortened segments into a series of blog posts. Group these posts by category into an eBook, filled with expert advice. Your informative eBook can be downloaded later by your potential customers.

Turn your images into social media posts.

Images from your website or blog posts can be used to grow your audience by turning them into social media posts. For example, you can use the images from a given blogpost to create a brand specific Pinterest board. These pins can link back to your site and reach a new audience. You can post photos to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as a strategy for repurposing your content. Repurposing your images on other platforms will help you grow your audience, while you engage with your existing followers.

Outlook Business Solutions can help you repurpose your content and create a marketing strategy to increase brand awareness. Contact us for more details.