Customer Care

Thank you for your interest in Outlook Business Solutions. Due to resourcing constraints we have made the difficult decision to forego additional client work at this time. We sincerely appreciate the customers we’ve been able to help and for their commitment to inclusivity. We hope to be of service again in the near future. If you are interested in learning more about Outlook Business Solutions sister companies and how they serve individuals who are blind, please contact for more information.

On-boarding & Welcome Campaigns

Your customer's experience immediately after the sale can influence whether they refer others or buy again. Make that experience positive and memorable with Outlook Business Solutions on-boarding and welcome campaigns. Providing a human touch point makes your business stand out in a sea of canned emails. The new customer honeymoon is the perfect time to suggest add-on sales, ask for referrals and build a relationship for future follow-up calls to obtain feedback. This proactive approach lets you identify any potential product or service issues that can be readily addressed before the customer formulates a negative experience with your company and makes a decision to leave. This approach also gives your company opportunities to promote new products or service offerings and creates a non-invasive up-sell opportunity.

Reactivation & Renewal Campaigns

Identify why customers leave or go dormant and bring them back into the fold without diverting time and resources from active sales efforts. If asked, unhappy customers will often give your company the opportunity to correct a problem you wouldn't have known about without a proactive call. Outlook Business Solutions can work with your internal teams to identify potentially lost customers, find out what happened and re-engage them through email or live call campaigns.

Lead Generation & Appointment Setting

You don't want to spend your time or your sales team's time dialing for dollars. Outlook Business Solutions can assist your company with live call lead generation and appointment setting that complement your sales and marketing efforts. Qualified leads go to your experienced sales team for appropriate follow up — shortening your sales process and decreasing your cost per sale.

Seminar & Event Registration

When it's time for the annual customer appreciation night or other large event, your company may not have the bandwidth to handle an influx of calls. Outlook Business Solutions can handle registration and questions about your conference, seminar or event, regardless of size. We can also make friendly live calls to remind your attendees of the upcoming event to ensure maximum attendance.Opting for a virtual event over a live one? We can invite your current or potential customers to upcoming webinars and teleconferences you sponsor, an economical lead generation technique to complement your overall sales and marketing efforts.

Social Media Response

Your customers likely engage in social media every day, and they may be talking about your company. Are you listening? We can actively monitor your company's social media accounts and promptly respond to comments and inquiries. Outlook Business Solutions can assist your team in responding to the social media postings such as consumer complaints and inquiries to ensure you are responsive to your customers and effective in meeting their needs.

Customer Data Verification

Accurate customer data saves you time and money by preventing wasted phone calls and mailings. Outlook Business Solutions can update or remove incomplete, incorrect or repeated data in your database to make your customer information more accurate and consistent.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

With the cost of attracting new customers at five to eight times the cost of retaining a current customer, you know the value of keeping customers happy. “Very satisfied” customers are six times more likely than “satisfied” customers” to remain loyal, will purchase additional products or services and recommend your company. Find out who's happy and who's not so happy with a Customer Satisfaction Campaign. Outlook Business Solutions uses a mix of email and live interactions to identify what matters most to your business customers, measure their satisfaction with current offerings, and identify new products or services to add value.

Meet Rachael

Rachael found a love of journalism and broadcasting in middle school but was unable to dive in until her college years due to attending a tiny high school. She is now a freelance copywriter for Outlook Business Solutions. 

Meet Rachael